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Article I – Name

The name of the organization shall be the “LaGrange Soccer Club”.

Article II – Nature of the Organization

Part A: Objective of the Organization.

This club is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing area youth and adults with a positive environment in which they can learn the skills, camaraderie, and sportsmanship of soccer. The principal operation of the club shall be in the Town of LaGrange and extend into areas outside the town during the course of competition.

Part B: Program

To accomplish the above objective, the LaGrange Soccer Club will provide a supervised program of instruction and competitive soccer games. The program shall focus on developing skills of the game and sportsmanship. The Club shall make every effort to provide equal benefits to all registered members. The Executive Board, Age Group Coordinators, Coaches and Committee members shall maintain first and foremost, that development of youth as future members of our community is of prime importance.

Part C: Affiliation

The club is guided by the laws of the USYSA and its local governing body, the Eastern New York State Youth Soccer Association. The LaGrange Soccer Club is a member of the East Hudson Youth Soccer League and shall abide by its rules, unless the Executive Board votes otherwise. The LaGrange Soccer Club is also a member of the US Club Soccer Organization and shall abide by its rules unless the Executive Board votes otherwise.

Article III – Membership

Part A: Eligibility (General Membership)

Club Membership will be open to all persons regardless of age, race, creed, or sex, who express an interest in participation and/or promotion of club objectives. Any parent or guardian of a registered player shall be deemed a club member. Voting members are also deemed a club member.

Part B: Voting Membership

Voting membership shall be limited to:

  • Team coach (travel, intramural, and intertown) or team representative appointed in writing by the Team Coach
  • Age Group Coordinators
  • Executive Board Member
  • Committee Chairperson (i.e. LaGrange Cup Chairperson) limit of one vote per Committee.

Appointment by a Team Coach of a Team Representative has to be in writing and provided to the secretary in order to be effective which notice shall include the Team Representative’s address, e-mail address and phone numbers.

The designation of age group coordinators shall be made in writing as of the September General Executive Board Meeting by First Vice President – Intramural Program Director to the Secretary in writing.

President may vote to make or break a tie if the situation arises.

No person shall have more than one vote (i.e. an age group coordinator who is either a team coach, duly appointed team representative, or Executive Board Member shall have only one vote).

All voters must be present to vote – no vote by proxy of any matter is permitted.

Part C: Termination or Suspension of Membership

The Executive Board, by a two-thirds vote of those Executive Board Members present at a duly constituted meeting, shall have the authority to suspend, discipline, or terminate membership of any member (including Executive Board Members) when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the objectives of the Club. If any of the above actions are to be considered, the Executive Board shall follow the steps outlined below:

  1. The Secretary shall notify Member(s) involved of the nature of the charges against them in writing.
  2. Establish a date, time and location of the meeting where the Executive Board intends to convene to discuss action(s) to be taken.
  3. Member(s) involved will be invited to attend said meeting to provide an explanation.
  4. The decision of the Executive Board shall be documented in writing and distributed to all parties involved.

Part D: Authority to Postpone a General Membership Vote

The Executive Board by two-thirds vote of those Executive Board Members present at a duly constituted meeting shall have the authority to postpone a General Meeting vote until the next General Meeting. This privileged motion by the Executive Board can only be used once on a given proposal.

Article IV – Officers

Part A: Executive Board Authority

All authority to operate the LaGrange Soccer Club shall be vested in the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be empowered to conduct all of the Club’s business such as:

Fill vacancies within the organization, solicit contributions, approve or disapprove fundraising activities, make and enforce rules, and establish special committees as deemed appropriate. In addition, the Board has the power to suspend or terminate membership in accordance with Article III, Part C.

The Board has the authority to hire employees and define duties and responsibilities of said employees.

Part B: Executive Board Positions

The Executive Board shall be comprised of the following:

  1. President
  2. 1st Vice-President (Intramural Program Director
  3. 2nd Vice-President (Boys Travel Director)
  4. 2nd Vice-President (Girls Travel Director)
  5. Secretary
  6. Treasurer
  7. Intramural Registrar
  8. Travel Registrar
  9. Arbitrator
  10. Sponsor Coordinator
  11. Field Coordinator
  12. Concession Coordinator
  13. Equipment Coordinator
  14. Referee Coordinator
  15. Volunteer and Fundraising Coordinator
  16. Past President (for a term of one year only)

The Executive Board positions shall be elected positions in accordance with Club by-laws.

Part C: Duties of the Executive Board Members

  1. President. Shall preside over all meetings of the Club and represent the Club in all matters. Is responsible for setting the agenda for all meetings. Is responsible for overall operation of the Club. May call special meetings as deemed necessary. Oversees the appointing of all committees and monitors their progress. May upon request, assist other Executive Board Members in the performance of their duties. The president may vote to make or break a tie if the situation arises.
  2. 1st Vice-President. Is responsible for the operation of the Intramural Soccer Program. Serves as President in the event of the latter’s absence. Shall appoint all Intramural Age Group Coordinators, is responsible for purchasing all intramural and intertown uniforms and provides guidance as necessary. Has the authority to suspend or discipline Intramural coaches in accordance with By-Laws. Any disciplinary actions taken will be documented and given to the Arbiter and reported at the next board meeting.
  3. 2nd Vice-President (Boys Travel). Is responsible for the operation of the Boys Travel Program. Serves as President in the absence of both the President and 1st Vice-President. Is Director of the Boys Travel Program and provides guidance to Travel coaches in accordance with by-laws. Has the authority to discipline or suspend Boys Travel Coaches is accordance with by-laws. Any disciplinary actions taken will be documented and given to the Arbiter and reported at the next board meeting.
  4. 2nd Vice-President (Girls Travel). Is responsible for the operation of the Girls Travel Program. Is Director to the Girls Travel Program and provides guidance to Girls Travel Coaches. Has the authority to discipline or suspend Girls Travel Coaches in accordance with by-laws. Any disciplinary actions taken will be documented and given to the Arbiter and reported at the next board meeting.
  5. Secretary. Is responsible for all correspondence received or initiated by the Executive Board. Is also responsible for performing the following duties:
    • Give notice of all meetings to Executive Board Members and voting membership as necessary.
    • Be official custodian of the Constitution and By-Laws.
    • Record minutes of all Executive and General Board meetings and maintains a historical record of all meeting minutes.
    • Conduct all correspondence not otherwise delegated in connection with the Club.
    • Assure that results of all votes are recorded.
    • Email minutes of all meetings to all voting members on a monthly basis.
    • Prepare Club newsletter.
  6. Treasurer. Is responsible for safely keeping and distributing all monies received in the name of LaGrange Soccer Club. The Treasurer is also responsible for the following duties:
    • Depositing all funds into a charted bank in the name of LaGrange Soccer League or LaGrange Soccer Club.
    • File annually or as required by law, a statement of non-profit corporation with the Internal Revenue Service.
    • Prepare a monthly financial report for presentation at the monthly Executive and/or General Board meeting and quarterly a budget analysis report, which report shall include actual amounts compared to the budgeted amounts.
    • Prepare and present a complete financial statement annually at the October monthly meeting.
    • Maintain records for all monies received and disbursed.
    • Responsible for employee compensations and tax reporting,
    • Be Chairperson of Finance Committee, which shall be composed of at least two additional individuals to be appointed by the President with the consent of Executive Board. One function of this Committee shall be to prepare a proposed budget which shall be submitted to the Executive Board for a vote at the August meeting.
  7. Intramural Registrar. Is responsible for all Intramural registrations and maintain records as required by USYSA, U S Club Soccer, ENYYSA and East Hudson Youth Soccer League requirements and guidelines. The Registrar may delegate his or her responsibility to perform the function of the travel registration.
  8. Travel Registrar. Is responsible for all Travel registrations and maintain records required by USYSA, US Club Soccer, ENYYSA and East Hudson Youth Soccer League requirements and guidelines.
  9. Arbitrator. Serve as Arbitrator for the Club. Act as a mediator for any disputes brought before the Executive Board. Act as Chairman of any committee established for the arbitration process which makes recommendations for resolutions.
  10. Sponsorship Coordinator. Is responsible for all sponsor relations.
  11. Field Coordinator. Is responsible for coordinating the following:
    • Scheduling all approved soccer field usage at Stringham Park including games, practices and tournaments.
    • Schedule Indoor practice time at local schools or other facilities.
  12. Concession Coordinator. Is responsible for overseeing all club fund raising activities. Fund Raising and Concession Coordinator is also responsible for the following duties:
    • Supervise the use of the Stringham Park Concession Stand.
    • Ex officio officer for LaGrange Soccer Concessions, Inc.
    • Fundraising request to be reviewed by Concession Coordinator prior to being sent to Executive Board for approval.
  13. Equipment Coordinator. Is responsible for the procurement and distribution of equipment and medical supplies to all LaGrange Soccer teams (Intramural and Travel). Is responsible for the procurement, setup and maintenance of all field equipment, eg. goals, nets, paint, liner, vehicles, etc.
  14. Referee Coordinator. Is responsible for recruiting, training and scheduling referees for all Intramural and non-assigned Travel games and for providing the Treasurer with appropriate documentation so that the referees are paid regularly.
  15. Volunteer and Fundraising Coordinator. Responsible for the coordination of all volunteers needed to run concessions and all club activities. Responsible for coordinating all club fund raising activities.
    • Provide the Executive Board with updates on fund raising activities by each Travel Teams.
    • Coordinate and schedule any team fund raising activities.

Part D: Removal and Resignation from Office

Any Executive Board Member who is not present for three (3) General or Executive Board Meetings without adequate reason in a year (December Meeting – November Meeting) or who fails to discharge his/her duties, may have his/her office declared vacant by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board. In the event that the Executive Board is to take action pursuant to this paragraph, it shall comply with the provisions of Article III Part C regarding termination or suspension of membership.

Article V – Meetings

All LaGrange Soccer Club General and Executive Board Meetings require at least 7 members of the Executive Board to be present to constitute a quorum. A quorum is necessary to conduct any business pertaining to the Club. Minutes of all General and Executive Board meetings shall be recorded.

Part A: General Meetings

General meetings will be held monthly to conduct the normal business of the club. These meetings are open to membership of the club. There shall be one Annual Membership meeting held in November of each year for the purpose of electing officers.

Part B: Executive Board Meetings

Executive Board Meetings will be convened at the discretion of the President. Such meetings may be requested by any Executive Board Member. It shall be the President who ultimately decides if and when such a meeting will take place. Executive Board Meetings will be attended by Executive Board Members only, unless an agenda item necessitates outside attendance.
Note: The President has the authority to call an Emergency Meeting of the Executive Board at anytime.

Article VI – Amending the Constitution & By-Laws

Amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws shall be submitted in writing to each voting member at least 30 days prior to a General Meeting. All submitted amendments must be voted on at a General Meeting. A 2/3 vote is required of those present to adopt the amendment.


Article I – Elective Process

Part A: Voting

Voting eligibility shall comply with Article III. Part B of the Constitution. Each member is limited to 1 vote per ballot with the exception of the President. The President may vote to make or break a tie if the situation arises.

NOTE: In all cases the majority vote shall prevail, unless otherwise stated in the Constitution or By-Laws.

Part B: Nominations

The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of at least three club members at or prior to the September General Meeting. The Arbitrator will act as Chairman of the committee. The Nominating Committee shall post by October 1st at Stringham Park the list of offices scheduled for election and the names of the members of the Nominating Committee. The final slate of candidates shall be announced no later than two (2) weeks prior to election. No other nominations shall be accepted after this final slate has been announced.

The Secretary shall provide, in writing or by e-mail, to all eligible voters at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled election the following:

  • Notice as to the date, time and place of the upcoming election
  • The final slate of candidates

The slate of candidates and the date, time and place of elections shall also be posted at least two (2) weeks prior to election at Stringham Park. (Notice of these elections shall be provided to the Team Coach of each travel, intramural, and intertown team regardless of whether a team representative has been appointed. It is the responsibility of the Team Coach to notify the team representative.)

Part C: Election of Executive Board Members

The election of Executive Board Members shall be for a term of (2) years. If there is more than one nominee for any position, the election for that position shall be by secret ballot. In all other cases, a show of hands is acceptable practice. Each Executive Board position shall be decided by a majority vote after a single ballot, except in the case of a tie, which will require a run-off ballot between the two leading candidates.

Part D: Unexpected Vacancies


  • In the event a vacancy occurs in any position, (except President) and the unexpired term remaining is less than a year, the position shall be filled by the President’s appointment. This appointment will require a majority approval by the Executive Board. In the event a vacancy occurs and the remaining unexpired term is more than a year, the position shall be filled by the President’s appointment and majority approval by the Executive Board. But, at the next November Annual General Meeting held for the purpose of elections, the position shall be open and the elective process shall apply for the unexpired portion of the term.
  • When filling unexpected vacancies on the Executive Board, consideration can be given to a current Executive Board member, so long as the interests represented in the positions do not conflict. Further, an Executive Board Member should only hold a second position when the aforementioned is satisfied, by a majority vote, and only until a replacement is found or until the next election whichever first occurs. No Executive Board member should hold more than one vote, regardless if they hold a second temporary position.


Article II – Conduct of Meetings

Part A: Format

All General and Executive Board Meetings will meet the requirements of Article V of the Constitution.

The President shall preside at General and Executive Board Meetings. The President shall administer an orderly process by which Club business can be conducted.

Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or By-Laws, “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall apply to the conduct of all meetings.

Part B: Documentation

The Secretary shall document the minutes of both General and Executive Board Meetings. At each meeting, the minutes of the previous meeting shall be reviewed, accepted, and / or amended as determined by the vote of the membership present. Minutes of all meetings shall be emailed by the secretary to all voting members after approval. Unless delegated otherwise, the Secretary will be responsible for all documentation generated at such meetings.
Any correspondence received in the name of the Club or by an Executive Board Member pertaining to Club business shall be forwarded to the Secretary. A copy may be kept by the recipient but, at a minimum the secretary must receive a copy for Club records.

Article III – Financial

Part A: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Club shall begin on the first day of SEPTEMBER and end on the last day of AUGUST. The fiscal year shall be known by the calendar year in effect on the last day of the fiscal year.

Part B: Funds

The Executive Board shall determine all matters pertaining to the finances of the LaGrange Soccer Club. All funds shall be placed in such accounts as determined by the Executive Board under the management of the Club Treasurer.

Part C: Disbursement

The disbursement of funds shall be for LaGrange Soccer Club activities only. The Executive Board shall not allow disbursement of funds for any purpose which does not support Club objectives or which would jeopardize the Club’s tax exempt status.

Any motion presented to the Executive Board which is not a budgeted item and requires an expenditure of more than $300 by the Club shall require a (2/3) majority vote from the Executive Board.

Any item presented to the Executive Board which is not a budgeted item and requires the expenditure of more than $2000 shall not be voted upon without Treasurer’s confirmation on availability of funds (2/3 majority vote still required).

Any item(s) not budgeted requiring an expenditure of less than $300 may be approved by the President. Any such expenditure shall be reported at the next General Meeting and incorporated into the meeting minutes.

Note: A team fund is considered a budgeted item (therefore expenditure from a team fund does not require Executive Board approval). The Treasurer will ensure that no team funds shall be disbursed if the purpose does not support Club objectives or such disbursement could jeopardize the Club’s tax exempt status.

Part D: Dissolution & Disbursement of Assets


  • In the event of dissolution or termination, and after all outstanding liabilities have been satisfied, all remaining assets will be turned over to Town of LaGrange Recreation Program to be used solely for recreational purposes, as set forth in Section 1116(a)(4) of the New York State Sales & Use Tax Law”.
  • In the event of dissolution or termination of a team, and after all outstanding liabilities have been satisfied, all remaining assets will be turned over to LaGrange Soccer Club.

    Article IV – Arbitration Process

    Part A: Entry into the Arbitration Process

    Any issue or dispute between members of the LaGrange Soccer Club will be eligible for consideration under this Arbitration Process if it so directed by the President, or if not so directed, it is approved by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board. In either case, due consideration will be given to the merits of the issue so as to ensure fairness and equity, but issues which are frivolous, non-essential, or otherwise not in the best interests of the Club as determined by the President or by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Board, will not be deemed eligible.

    Part B: Establishment of the Arbitration Committee

    A committee for the purpose of fulfilling this Arbitration Process will be established by the President. To ensure timely resolution of the issue being arbitrated, this committee will be established as soon as possible after the President has been notified that an Arbitration process has been requested, but in no case will this be longer than 7 days. The Arbitration Committee will consist of the Arbitrator, and 2 Club members appointed by the President. The Arbitrator is chairman of the Arbitration Committee. The Arbitrator may also act as the Club Representative for any interactions outside the Club which are part of this Arbitration Process. The Arbitration committee will complete its deliberations within 14 days of the formation of the Arbitration Committee, unless a one-time extension of 14 additional days has been granted by the President.

    Part C: Jurisdiction

    The jurisdiction of the Arbitration Committee will include, but not be limited to, the following areas:

    • Player eligibility
    • Intramural game disputes
    • Coaching disputes
    • Refereeing problems
    • Parent or Coach Controversy
    • Player movement between Travel and Intramural
    • Coach and Player disciplinary actions

    In Game Matters, the Arbitration Committee reserves the right to impose additional penalties beyond those imposed by any governing organization e.g. ENYSA, US Club.

    Part D: Decisions

    The Arbitration Committee will make recommendations to the Executive Board as to the resolution of the issue being arbitrated. At the next General Meeting, at an Emergency Meeting if necessary or an Executive Board Meeting if so requested by any of the Disputing Members involved in this Arbitration Process, the Executive Board will vote on each recommendation. Each recommendation will require a two-thirds Executive Board vote for acceptance, which vote shall be by secret ballot. Any recommendations so accepted are not subject to further consideration under this process.

    The Executive Board reserves the right to take actions in addition to the recommendations of the Arbitration Committee. Any such additional actions require a two-thirds Executive Board vote.

    At the discretion of the President, a description of the issue being arbitrated can be excluded from the minutes of the General Meeting or Executive Board Meeting at which the Arbitration Process is concluded. But, in any event, the Secretary will include in the minutes a report that the Arbitration Process has been completed, and will include names of the Disputing Members and the Voting Members appointed to the Arbitration Committee.

    Article V – Disciplinary Action by Vice Presidents

    Part A: Authority

    The First and Second Vice-Presidents shall have the authority to suspend any coach, player and / or club member who displays inappropriate behavior during a game or practice session. This authority must be exercised in accordance with the following guidelines;

    • Authority is specifically limited to the program that the Vice President oversees operation of (Intramural, Boys Travel or Girls Travel).
    • Prior to initiating any suspension(s), verbal approval from at least two other Executive Board members must be obtained.
    • All disciplinary actions taken between Executive Board meetings shall be reported and recorded in the minutes of the next meeting held.
    • Any disciplinary actions taken will be documented and given/sent to the Arbitrator for the purpose of issuing the appropriate violation report.

    NOTE: All actions may be appealed in accordance with Article IV.

    Article VI – Fund Raising

    Part A: Requests

    All requests by Travel Teams for Fund Raising activities must be approved by the Executive Board. A representative of the team or group requesting approval must appear before the Executive Board and present the following information:

    • Description of the type of fund raiser.
    • Whether “LaGrange Soccer Club” name will be used.
    • Expected duration of fund raiser. (start date & approximate completion date)
    • Purpose of the fund raiser.

    Part B: Conducting a Fund Raiser

    Any person conducting fund raisers as part of the LaGrange Soccer Club shall not receive any personal profit in connection with such fund raiser.

    Any fund raiser conducted at any LaGrange Soccer Club home field must be coordinated with the Fund Raising Coordinator in advance.

    Any team that fails to deposit funds with the Treasurer within fourteen (14) days of the completion of the fund raising activity may be subject to having their team account frozen by order of the Treasurer and / or President.

    Part C: Concession Stand at Stringham Park

    It is recognized that the concession stand is a primary source of revenue for LaGrange Soccer Club. The primary tenant is LaGrange Soccer Concessions, Inc.

    LaGrange Soccer Concessions is responsible for all operating costs for the concession building, including but not limited to utilities and alarm service. The tenant will also be charged a yearly rental fee. Both the amount and payment schedule to be determined by the executive board.

    The LaGrange Soccer Concession shall have its own checking account.

    The President, Treasurer and Concession Coordinator of the Executive Boar are considered Ex Officio members of the LaGrange Soccer Concessions board.

    Article VII – Coaches and Players Guidelines

    All players are required to play “on age” according to the defined age groups. All exemptions are required to be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board. Coaches are required to obtain a copy of the LaGrange Soccer Club coaching and player guidelines, review, and sign the statement of understanding. Each exemption shall remain in force for one playing season, after which time it will be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board. These guidelines will be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board every February. The guidelines will also include the LaGrange Soccer Club policies for disciplinary actions against coaches and players.